Monday, December 24, 2007

Hey look! I got a digital camera for Christmas!

Here's my first picture with the new camera. Derek is thrilled.
So is Allen:

'Cause it's Christmas! Derek wanted me to take the following pictures.
His "glove:"


Smokey, Allen and EZ Cheez. You can get them the fanciest smoked salmon and they'll sniff it and walk away. But EZ Cheez. EZ Cheez!

But the really great part of getting this camera is that now I can take pictures of Lego sets to sell on eBay and get the money to pay for Derek's continued speech therapy. Friday was our last visit with our beloved therapist at the Scottish Rite Clinic (free and doesn't discriminate based on income!!). The object of their program is to get kids ready for school and since Derek is in school and doing well, it was time to leave the SR program. Plus, our therapist got a full time position at OHSU, so it was sort of a natural time to break things off. We're looking at several therapists, none of which our insurance covers, naturally. So Allen agreed to sell his Lego sets. There's an entire room of our house dedicated to the Legos and they should fetch a couple thousand dollars when we're all done. But first a working digital camera was necessary. Next, I'll parcel them out and sell the Legos online. And have more interesting blog posts. Unlike this one, which is quickly going downhill into boring details. Look, more pictures!

Merry Christmas!! Love, Karen and family.