Thursday, September 20, 2007

Baby's First Pun

Derek’s had a bit of an obsession with lights and light bulbs lately. He keeps moving the light bulbs to different sockets around the house, so we’ll find the refrigerator light bulb in the hanging lamp downstairs, or he’ll insist we put the burned out bulbs back in the sockets in the basement. He’ll turn the lamps sideways to get at the bulbs and carry them around the house. And since we are trying to save the world one three-dollar energy efficient tiny twisted florescent tube bulb at a time, Allen and I get a little cranky when we find broken ones stuffed in odd corners.

So Allen and I were nearly comatose Saturday while Derek’s jumping around being silly. He gets one sock from his sock pile – just one, he makes a note of – and then starts jumping around on our bed and messing with the lamp. And then it comes onto me all at once – sock, socket!

Me: “No socks in the socket! Are you crazy?!”

Derek: [Manic giggle] “No socks in the socket!”

[Hilarity ensues]

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