Sunday, November 25, 2007

School Conference and Thanksgiving

Monday was our parent teacher conference at school. I'm pleased to report that Derek is meeting or exceeding all literacy benchmarks for his age AND has made friends of a sort. He shows a strong preference to a boy named Tyler in class and Tyler's parents would like us to get together for playdates and such. Yay!

I wish wish wish my digital camera was working because I would love to post pictures of some of Derek's writing. He is writing and drawing on practically everything these days. He can write the words "penny" and "moon" and likes to write jibberish all over the paper. He gets worksheets at school that have a letter, then a line of other letters and his job is to pick out the letter that matches the first letter. He recreates these at home and makes me do them. He also likes to draw on himself and the walls and somehow always draws his best artwork there. Yesterday it was a picture of a person sleeping in a carseat on his arm. A few weeks ago he drew an expressive person on my bedroom wall and it's still there, partly because I am lazy, but mostly because I am impressed. I think since school started he has spent more time drawing than lining up toys. Holy cow! She's a powerful sorceress, this Ms. McCormick.

Derek is with typical kids for Music and PE and is doing well. Some humming and weird vocalizing, but overall very well behaved.

Overall, I think Derek is in a really good placement for Kindergarten, about the best it could be given our financial and geographic constraints. And for that I give Thanksgivings.

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